Woody Guthrie might not have been perfect, but we don’t need to “cancel” him, writes Will Kaufman.
Category: U.S.
Long Before Epstein: Sex Traffickers & Spy Agencies
Elizabeth Vos reviews the unsavory history of intelligence agencies providing protection to child sex-trafficking rings.
The Missing Howls of Denunciation Over Major Sex Trafficking
Michael Brenner considers the dearth of #MeToo outrage at the foul activities of the 25-year-long Epstein-Maxwell operation.
The Pseudo Debate Over Jeffrey Epstein’s Suicide
US Backs Xenophobia & Mob Violence in Hong Kong
The ferociously anti-Chinese network behind the demonstrations has been cultivated with the help of U.S. funding and a Washington-linked local media tycoon, reports Dan Cohen.
Hong Kong in Crosshairs of Global Power Struggle
The U.S. and other Western powers are working to preserve a capitalist dystopia and manufacture consensus for long-term conflict with China, write Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers.
Trump’s Persian-Gulf Car Crash
Trump has taken an insane U.S. policy towards Iran and make it even crazier, writes Daniel Lazare.
THE ANGRY ARAB: Armies & Politics in the Middle East
Mass Shootings in the White Noise of Anywhere USA
Phil Rockstroh muses on how the impulse to possess an unlimited number of firearms fits into the late-imperium scheme of things.
JOHN KIRIAKOU: How a Suicide Watch Really Works
If Jeffrey Epstein’s death turns out to have been self-inflicted, it would represent a complete breakdown in the system that was supposed to protect him.