Category: U.S.

The ‘Cop City’ Mass Arraignment Circus

Hannah Riley describes the scene in the Atlanta courthouse last month when dozens of political activists faced criminal enterprise charges for trying to save a forest from becoming a massive police-training center.

Remembering Kissinger’s Victims

Joe Bader recalls Charles Horman, Frank Teruggi, Ronni Moffit and Orlando Letelier — all killed by the Kissinger-Nixon backed Chilean military junta that overthrew the Allende government.

Not a Penny Nor a Bullet Off the Table

The U.S. vice president, secretary of state and defense secretary are using unusually blunt language against Israel’s massacres of Palestinians. But the money and weapons keep flowing, says Joe Lauria.

Peddling Propaganda About al-Shifa

Gareth Porter begins his dissection of a U.S. journalist’s unequivocal backing of Israel’s justification for closing down Gaza’s largest hospital with a simple test: Who is the source?