Category: U.S. State Department

Chris Hedges: PEN America Self-Destructs

In May 2013 Hedges resigned from PEN America when it appointed former State Department official Suzanne Nossel to run it. A decade later, PEN America has become a propaganda arm of the state, including on Julian Assange.

US Defends Israeli Occupation at World Court

Among nations participating in the ICJ proceedings on Israel’s occupation, only the U.S. and Fiji are urging the court not to issue an opinion that declares the nearly six-decade occupation of Palestinian territory illegal.

25 Years of Venezuelan Defiance

Some of the nations that have banded together to defend the U.N. Charter — particularly Russia and China — have provided Venezuela with alternatives to the U.S.-dominated financial and trade system, writes Vijay Prashad.

The US Toppling of Imran Khan

The Pakistani leader probably sealed his fate when, at a rally, he berated the West for pressuring him to condemn Russia over Ukraine at a vote in the United Nations, writes Jeffrey Sachs.

Biden’s War on Yemen

The unspoken premise for U.S. airstrikes against the Houthis’ is that an active genocide should be permitted to continue, argues Caitlin Johnstone.