Category: U.S. Justice Dept.

WATCH: A US Tour for Assange

Former British diplomat Craig Murray has been touring the U.S. ahead of the possible extradition of imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange. Watch these events with Chris Hedges, Scott Ritter and other supporters. 

Aussie MPs Headed to Washington to Lobby For Assange

The MPs will face obstinate views about Assange entrenched in the U.S. political establishment, with two days to educate Congressional, State and Justice officials about the threat to the Constitution and a free press, reports Joe Lauria. 

US ‘Disinformation Industry’ Lands in Court

It took years too long, writes Patrick Lawrence. But the law has at last been invoked against the creeping despotism of mainstream liberals as they attempt to control what we read, see, hear, and by way of all this, think.