Category: U.S. Congress

WATCH: CN Live! — ‘Assange & the DC Six’

CN Live! presents an exclusive interview with Australian Senator David Shoebridge, who was part of the six-member delegation from the Australian Parliament that visited Washington to lobby for the release of imprisoned publisher Julian Assange. 

Aussie MPs Headed to Washington to Lobby For Assange

The MPs will face obstinate views about Assange entrenched in the U.S. political establishment, with two days to educate Congressional, State and Justice officials about the threat to the Constitution and a free press, reports Joe Lauria. 

US LABOR DAY: The Minimum Wage at Age 85

Without any mechanisms to adjust for rising prices, the real value of the federal minimum wage hit a 66-year low in 2023, say the authors. It’s now worth 42 percent less than its highest point in 1968.  

Profiteers of Armageddon

Private contractors run the nuclear warhead complex and build nuclear delivery vehicles. To keep the gravy train running, those contractors spend millions lobbying decision-makers, writes William D. Hartung.

The US’s Reckless Arming of Taiwan

As Washington follows the neocon Wolfowitz Doctrine in East Asia, John V. Walsh says U.S. provocation must stop. Biden should instead take up China’s offer of peaceful coexistence.    

Tribute to Mike Gravel, American Hero

Sen. Mike Gravel’s ashes were buried in Arlington National Cemetery last month. Gravel was a hero for his courage in opposing U.S. militarism and reading Dan Ellsberg’s Pentagon Papers into the Congressional Record.