In March 2022 the Pentagon leaked stories to counter propaganda intended to drag NATO into the conflict, wrote Joe Lauria. The story has since changed.
“Do you think Israel’s government is genocidal?” Corinna Barnard reacts to congressional lawmakers raising this question with university leaders last week.
The increasingly common resort to diktats by U.S. authorities is a notable feature of contemporary American society — in all spheres, writes Michael Brenner.
Imperial spinmeisters have been churning out talking points about radicalization and nefarious support because it’s the narrative bludgeon they plan on using to stomp out the burgeoning antiwar movement.
The U.S. public should by now be realizing that instead of stopping genocide, U.S. institutional and media authority is actively stamping out cries to stop the mass murder being committed with U.S. complicity, writes Elizabeth Vos.