To comply with the World Court ruling, the U.S. would have to end its military assistance to Israel and stop providing political and diplomatic cover to enable Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory, writes Marjorie Cohn.
An extensive and historically unprecedented set of international institutions offer invaluable tools for pursuing what Immanuel Kant called a “federation of free states,” writes Jeffrey Sachs.
The agreement reached on Tuesday in Beijing, which includes Hamas and Fatah, encompasses all Palestinian forces and factions under the umbrella of the PLO, Pablo Meriguet reports.
In a blow to the U.S., the U.N. General Assembly voted Friday to give Palestine, whose statehood it has already acknowledged, full U.N. membership, forcing the U.S. into another embarrassing veto at the Security Council, says Joe Lauria.
The mass food drive for Gaza was also a campaign to contest the growth of Christian Zionism in the country and deepen ties with the Palestinian struggle.
UPDATED: Video of U.N. Security Council meeting Thursday when the U.S. vetoed full U.N. membership for Palestine as the Russian delegation walked out in protest before Israel’s speech. Joe Lauria reports.
Mona Ali Khalil lists Israel’s crimes from A to Z and says the U.N. must fulfill its responsibility to protect the civilians in Gaza and hold all perpetrators of mass atrocities accountable.