Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger operated in an amoral world where they traded lives and principles for power. But their cold “realism” enabled them to function more effectively in foreign policy than many of their successors who let passions and…
Category: Secrecy
Oliver Stone’s Hard Look at US History
Edward Snowden’s Brave Integrity
Israeli-Saudi Alliance Slips into View
Hyping the Iran ICBM ‘Threat’
Snowden Accepts Whistleblower Award
Though former NSA contractor Edward Snowden has been indicted for leaking secrets about the U.S. government’s intrusive surveillance tactics, he was honored by a group of former U.S. intelligence officials as a courageous whistleblower during a Moscow ceremony, reports ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern…
The Tarnished ‘Victory’ in Libya
On Libya, Now They Tell Us
Making the Economy ‘Scream’
Surveillance State Takes Offense
President Obama proclaims his love of “transparency” but has an odd idea what the word means. He generally defines it as sharing some information with Congress and the Courts but keeping the public in the dark and punishing those who ask…