The U.S. president’s cuts to education under the guise of fighting anti-Semitism are an effort to enforce totalitarianism in the minds of future generations. Questions are not to be asked, myths are to be enforced.
The Gaza genocide portends a dystopian world where the Global North’s industrialized violence sustains its hoarding of diminishing resources and wealth, argues Chris Hedges.
Two warmongering oligarchic parties are shoving the Overton window of acceptable opinion as far in the direction of imperialism, militarism and tyranny as possible.
In the wake of Britain’s race riots this summer, CN Live! interviewed Andy Robin, one of the founders of the “Love Music Hate Racism” movement in Luton, England.
Many countries with supposedly centre-left or left governments have joined the U.S. in proposals that seek to undermine Venezuelan democratic processes.
Fascism is an insufficient term, as it denies the intimacy between liberal and far right forces. Here are 10 theses to understand this “intimate embrace” and the rise of this far right of a special type.