Fatma Khaled reports on Cairo Gaza, an activist group that is pressuring the el-Sisi government to keep the Rafah crossing open to let aid into Gaza without Israel’s permission.
Title VI was designed to end discrimination and harassment on campus, but the law can also be misused, as partisans of Israel have done, writes Michael Schwalbe.
Silences filled with a consensus of propaganda contaminate almost everything we read, see and hear, warned the late John Pilger last May. War by media is now a key task of so-called mainstream journalism.
Nobody really believes there’s a threat to Jewish students on campuses or that pro-Palestinian students are subjecting their Jewish classmates to abuse or harassment.
Hannah Riley describes the scene in the Atlanta courthouse last month when dozens of political activists faced criminal enterprise charges for trying to save a forest from becoming a massive police-training center.
Rachel McKane and David Pellow see Georgia’s RICO indictment as an attempt to repress social movement activity, using the state’s tools of legal interpretation and enforcement.