British courts for five years have denied due process to Julian Assange as his physical and mental health deteriorates. That is the point of his show trial.
In May 2013 Hedges resigned from PEN America when it appointed former State Department official Suzanne Nossel to run it. A decade later, PEN America has become a propaganda arm of the state, including on Julian Assange.
Australian Sen. David Shoebridge spoke of the danger of the death penalty for Julian Assange in this discussion after a Sydney screening of the new film, The Trust Fall. (w/transcript)
The Democratic Party had one last chance to implement the kind of New Deal Reforms that could save us from another Trump presidency and Christian fascism. It failed.
Timothy Burke, a Tampa-based media consultant and former Daily Beast staffer, was hit with more than a dozen federal charges this week in an action that raises press-freedom concerns.
Alan MacLeod looks into The Network Contagion Research Institute and its new report alleging that Middle Eastern funding of U.S. universities has helped unleash a torrent of anti-Jewish hatred.
A delusory tale that turns journalism into a unique evil because it exposes secret U.S. crimes was heard in a London courtroom on Wednesday with Julian Assange’s fate yet to be determined, reports Joe Lauria.