The flights have taken off from Britain’s controversial air base on Cyprus, RAF Akrotiri, and averaged around one a day since the beginning of December, Matt Kennard reports.
Israel presented its defense on the second day of a two-day hearing at the World Court in South Africa v. Israel on the charge of genocide. Watch the replay.
After the meeting of U.S. and Indian foreign and defence ministers, M.K. Bhadrakumar says Delhi is shedding its strategic ambivalence and joining Washington‘s adversarial stance on China.
After a bid for a public interest defense and classified documents needed for his defense were both denied him, whistleblower David McBride pled guilty to three reduced charges on Friday. Joe Lauria reports.
The Supreme Court’s chief justice denied whistleblower David McBride’s attempt to appeal the trial judge’s decision to deprive him of a public interest defense, reports Joe Lauria.
Judge rules that he will instruct the jury that there is no aspect of duty that allows the accused to act in the public interest contrary to a lawful military order, reports Joe Lauria.
Whistleblower David McBride’s lawyers argued on Day One of his trial that a soldier’s duty is not just to follow his superior’s orders, but to serve the entire nation. Joe Lauria reports.
Peter Cronau reports on Canberra’s secret support for Israel’s brutal assault on Palestinians in Gaza through NSA intelligence satellites in the U.S. Pine Gap base near Alice Springs.