Category: Militarism

Remembering Kissinger’s Victims

Joe Bader recalls Charles Horman, Frank Teruggi, Ronni Moffit and Orlando Letelier — all killed by the Kissinger-Nixon backed Chilean military junta that overthrew the Allende government.

Chris Hedges: Israel’s War on Hospitals

Israel is carrying out a campaign to make Gaza uninhabitable. This campaign includes destroying all of Gaza’s hospitals. The message Israel is sending is clear. Nowhere is safe. If you stay you die.

Media Dare Not Call It Genocide

Radio New Zealand (RNZ), for instance, says it decided not to broadcast or report on a Palestinian guest’s remarks because it “would have stolen valuable time” from those being interviewed, writes Mick Hall.

Destroying History to Preserve an Illusion

With the stated aim of providing “context,” The Guardian instead has destroyed the historical context that puts Western foreign policy towards the Middle East in a very grim light, writes Joe Lauria.