Category: Media

Chris Hedges: Destroyers of US Democracy

With the U.S. midterm elections on Tuesday, Biden and other establishment politicians hope to paper over the rot and pain of the system they created with the same decorum they used to sell the country the con of neoliberalism.

PATRICK LAWRENCE: War as Presentation

As the U.S. midterm elections approach, the gap between Western media’s depiction of the war in Ukraine and the actual war waged on the ground appears to be widening more dramatically.

All at Once Mainstream Pundits Push for WW III

Caitlin Johnstone says it should disturb everyone in the nuclear age that writers at influential publications frame the rise of a multipolar world as something that must inevitably bring on unspeakable violence and human suffering. 

Crippling the Left

Whenever it truly matters, from Assange to Corbyn, this Guardian journalist aligns with the corporate media herd, writes Jonathan Cook.