“Obfuscating the killer” — Mohammed El-Kurd on his new book and the kind of journalism that transforms Palestinians into humanitarian subjects, avoiding a critical discussion of Zionism as the root of the occupation and the suffering.
Ralph Nader says that when you shut out the civic community, you shut down democracy. He places responsibility for that happening, first and foremost, on the mass media.
There is a pressing reason to keep our attention focused on the role of the Hannibal directive, writes Jonathan Cook. It relates to what is happening right now.
Here we are, watching the Western press give Netanyahu cover to commit more war crimes in full confidence that he will be supported by the Adelson asset in the White House.
In a moment of candor in March 2022, Joe Biden revealed why the U.S. needed the Russian invasion to launch its three-pronged, pre-meditated war on Russia, writes Joe Lauria.