Title VI was designed to end discrimination and harassment on campus, but the law can also be misused, as partisans of Israel have done, writes Michael Schwalbe.
The International Court of Justice said it would reveal its decision on provisional measures in the case of South Africa accusing Israel of genocide on Friday at 1pm, 7 am EST.
The dismissal marks the third consecutive time a federal court has dismissed the Jewish National Fund’s case against the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights.
Consortium News this month pays tribute to the life and work of John Pilger, an all-time great journalist who died Dec. 30. Today we republish his essay from April 2019 just after Julian Assange’s arrest.
This president’s signature project — America will lead democratic nations in a crusade against the world’s authoritarians — is virtually nowhere taken seriously.
South Africa may have given the World Court a way out of ruling that Israel is plausibly committing genocide and must halt its attacks, writes Joe Lauria.
Because of your generosity during our Winter Fund Drive, which ends at noon on Monday, we will be assured of coverage of Gaza, Ukraine, Assange and more throughout 2024.
The World Court hearing on Friday was underway as Al Jazeera reported that nine Palestinians, including children and at least one infant, were killed in an Israeli strike on a residence in Rafah.