To gauge how South Africa’s genocide case against Israel might play out, Nat Parry looks back 40 years to a case that Nicaragua brought against Washington in the U.N. court.
That the ICJ has not affirmed Israel’s right to self-defence is perhaps the most important point in this interim order. It is the dog that did not bark.
The Assange case is a centerpiece of an emerging, global challenge to U.S. dominance that did not exist in 2010 when the U.S. began its legal pursuit of the publisher, says Joe Lauria.
An Australian parliamentary group has written to the U.K. home secretary calling for a probe into the risks to Assange’s health should he be extradited.
The Center for Constitutional Rights’ case against the U.S. president and secretaries of state and defense seeks an emergency injunction to stop aiding Israel’s bombing.
A global human rights coalition expressed hope Thursday that the imminent verdict by the International Court of Justice will be a step toward stopping the genocide.
The ICJ ruled that Israel’s military shall not commit acts forbidden by Article 2 of Genocide Convention but stopped short of ordering Israel to cease its military operation in Gaza.