Category: Labor

France Erupts Against Macron’s Pension Plan

Despite widespread opposition to raising the retirement age, many French lawmakers remain determined to fulfill the president’s election pledge to overhaul the nation’s pension system, Kenny Stancil reports.

Workers and Democracy

Vijay Prashad highlights workers’ struggles in the second half of the 20th century against Third World dictatorial regimes put in place by anti-communist oligarchies and their allies in the West. 

A Case for Nationalizing US Airlines

Outside the United States, in countries ranging from Argentina and Malaysia to Finland and Fiji, airlines essentially operate as a public utility, not an opportunity for big CEO paydays, writes Sam Pizzigati. 

Health Workers in UK Intensifying Fight

Royal College of Nursing’s Pat Cullen says Prime Minister Sunak “should ask himself what is motivating nursing staff to stand outside their hospitals for a second day so close to Christmas.”

Chris Hedges: Know Thine Enemy

The expedited legislation passed by Congress to avert a strike by railroad unions dealt one more blow in the decades long war waged by the two ruling parties against the working class.