Category: Vietnam

JOHN KIRIAKOU: The Godfather of Whistleblowers

When the author blew the whistle on the C.I.A.’s torture program in 2007, Daniel Ellsberg called to congratulate him and say he had friends at his side. Years later, at a red-carpet event in Hollywood, the “most dangerous man in…

Rest in Peace Daniel Ellsberg

One of America’s most courageous men, who took on the most powerful government in the world to expose its lies about the Vietnam war, has died at 92. 

A History of Ceasefires & Peace in Ukraine

Forty eight ceasefires between 1946 and 1997 — while often ignored — offer guidance on how to end the killing. Since history shows it takes a long time to end a war, Ann Wright says the process must start now.…

Chris Hedges: The Donald Trump Problem

Donald Trump is not being targeted for the misdemeanors and serious felonies he appears to have committed but for discrediting and undermining the entrenched power of the ruling duopoly.

‘Those Who Die for Life’

“That’s Chavismo” — From improving everyday life to defending the sovereignty of Venezuela and Latin America from U.S. imperialism, Vijay Prashad reflects on the legacy of the Bolivarian revolutionary leader on the 10th anniversary of his death. 

Daniel Ellsberg’s Not Yet Goodbye

Daniel Ellsberg, a giant of American history for leaking the Pentagon Papers, wrote the following email to friends on Wednesday, including Consortium News, and has today decided to make it public.