As a diplomatic row erupts between the former allies, Dan Cohen republishes his 2021 MintPress News exposé on the role of Israeli agents in training death squads and devising plans for genocide in Colombia.
In a blow to the U.S., the U.N. General Assembly voted Friday to give Palestine, whose statehood it has already acknowledged, full U.N. membership, forcing the U.S. into another embarrassing veto at the Security Council, says Joe Lauria.
The World Health Organization said in a statement Friday that an Israeli incursion into Rafah in southern Gaza would lead to “substantial additional mortality and morbidity.”
The mass food drive for Gaza was also a campaign to contest the growth of Christian Zionism in the country and deepen ties with the Palestinian struggle.
As the vote on full U.N. membership for Palestine shows, the only way to understand the U.S.-centralized global power structure is to watch what its officials do, not say.
UPDATED: Video of U.N. Security Council meeting Thursday when the U.S. vetoed full U.N. membership for Palestine as the Russian delegation walked out in protest before Israel’s speech. Joe Lauria reports.
The “Missiles of April” represent a sea-change moment in Middle Eastern geopolitics — the establishment of Iranian deterrence that impacts both Israel and the United States.