In the aftermath of a deadly ambush of Russian troops operating alongside Malian armed forces, Damilola Banjo looks into fears of parts of Africa becoming a proxy war zone.
The Palestinian Authority says it holds the Biden administration responsible for the attack on the al-Tabin school due to its financial, military and political support for Israel.
Comments this week by the Israeli finance minister about starvation were seen as an “explicit admission of adopting and bragging about the policy of genocide.”
Mona Ali Khalil urges António Guterres to invoke Article 99 again. This time not to make exhortations, but to account for what has happened on and since Oct. 7 and chart a path to lasting peace.
To comply with the World Court ruling, the U.S. would have to end its military assistance to Israel and stop providing political and diplomatic cover to enable Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory, writes Marjorie Cohn.
An extensive and historically unprecedented set of international institutions offer invaluable tools for pursuing what Immanuel Kant called a “federation of free states,” writes Jeffrey Sachs.
A report by the U.N.’s Crisis Coordination Center, leaked to Drop Site, shed additional light on what’s been the deadliest-ever war for United Nations staff.
The agreement reached on Tuesday in Beijing, which includes Hamas and Fatah, encompasses all Palestinian forces and factions under the umbrella of the PLO, Pablo Meriguet reports.