Category: United Nations

Climate Lawsuits Spreading Worldwide

While most cases have been in the U.S., the Global South represents a growing portion, finds a report compiled by the U.N. Environment Program and the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University.


The communique from the summit in Vilnius earlier this month underlined Ukraine’s path into the Western military alliance and sharpened NATO’s self-defined universalism, writes Vijay Prashad.

The US’s Reckless Arming of Taiwan

As Washington follows the neocon Wolfowitz Doctrine in East Asia, John V. Walsh says U.S. provocation must stop. Biden should instead take up China’s offer of peaceful coexistence.    

Inscrutable Sanctions

Britain and the U.S. impose economic sanctions on dozens of governments they don’t like, write Erik Mar and John Perry. Some people in Nicaragua are being targeted on the basis of little or no evidence.