Category: United Nations

WATCH: Lavrov at UN on Avoiding WWIII

Condemning U.S. exceptionalism, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov laid out to the Security Council how the world can overcome U.S.-led aggression to find peaceful co-existence in a multilateral world.

Vijay Prashad: Paying For War or Peace

The U.N. development forum ending on Thursday brings to mind the aspiration that Colombia’s President Petro expressed last year for humanity to “live far from the apocalypse and times of extinction.”

Judges Unmoved in Biden Genocide Complicity Case

The administration didn’t dispute there’s an ongoing genocide, writes Marjorie Cohn. But the three-judge appeals panel appeared unmoved by the plaintiffs’ contentions the Biden administration is complicit in Israel’s genocide.

Gaza & UN Veto Power

With an eye on future U.N. Security Council resolutions concerning Gaza, Dan Becker discusses a possible mechanism in the U.N. Charter to force the U.S. to abstain from voting.