Category: Ukraine

Chris Hedges: Ukraine’s Death by Proxy

Proxy wars devour the countries they purport to defend. There will come a time when the Ukrainians will become expendable to the U.S. They will disappear, as many others before them, from U.S. national discourse and popular consciousness.

WATCH: Sy Hersh Meets the Press

The Committee for the Republic hosted investigative reporter Seymour Hersh at the National Press Club in Washington Tuesday evening to speak about his Nord Stream reporting. Watch the replay on Consortium News.

Why Biden Snubbed China’s Ukraine Peace Plan

The U.S. president and his coterie of neo-conservatives have no interest in peace if it means conceding hegemonic power to a multi-polar world untethered from the all-mighty dollar, write Medea Benjamin, Marcy Winograd and Wei Yu.