Category: Ukraine

Rumors Over BRICS Summit Point to West’s Paranoia

Media speculation that India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi may not attend the Johannesburg summit and that the nation isn’t receptive to BRICS expansion may be signs a threatened West looks to ‘divide and rule’, writes M.K. Bhadrakumar.

US Urged Ouster of Khan, Cable Shows

The Intercept has published a document from a source in the Pakistani military that shows a U.S. diplomat targeting Pakistan’s ousted prime minister for “taking such an aggressively neutral position” on the Ukraine war. 

The UN’s Vague ‘New Agenda for Peace’

Vijay Prashad says that the report — apart from identifying the conflict between the unipolar and multipolar worlds, and showing concern over the metastasizing weapons industry — throws moral scaffolding over hard realities it can’t directly confront.