Category: Turkey

Chris Hedges: Why Mass Movements Fail

The wave of global popular protests that erupted in 2010 and lasted a decade were extinguished, meaning new tactics and strategies are required, as Vincent Bevins explains in his book If We Burn.

NATO & the Perilous Black Sea

In an ominous development, Kiev is suggesting the continuation of the collapsed Black Sea Grain Deal without Russia’s participation and with apparent NATO protection, writes M.K. Bhadrakumar. 


The communique from the summit in Vilnius earlier this month underlined Ukraine’s path into the Western military alliance and sharpened NATO’s self-defined universalism, writes Vijay Prashad.

The Failed Ukrainian Peace Deal

Vladimir Putin displayed copies of the collapsed draft treaty from last year at a recent meeting with a peace delegation of leaders of several African nations led by South African President Ramaposha.