Category: Soviet Union

Moscow Nights — and Days

Andrew P. Napolitano says that in his interviews with them, two of Putin’s closest confidants showed appreciation for Trump’s intended “reset” of U.S.-Russian relations. 

Why Putin Entered the War

Three years ago on Monday Vladimir Putin announced Russia’s intervention in Ukraine to “demilitarize” and “de-Nazify” the country after 30 years of the West pushing Russia too far, wrote Joe Lauria on Feb. 24, 2022.

Angling Toward Armageddon

William Hartung reports on a resurgent network of nuclear hawks who want to build more kinds of nuclear weapons and ever more of them.

The Dangerous Silence on Nuclear War

Sixty years after LBJ’s “Daisy Ad,” Norman Solomon says the danger of nuclear war is higher than in 1964 but Harris and Trump are ignoring it. Will it come up in tonight’s debate?