Category: South Korea

After Gaza, Conflict in Asia

As the world’s failure to stop massacre after massacre in Gaza shows the deep failure of the U.N.-centered international system, Vijay Prashad turns attention to the conflict looming over Northeast Asia. 

Sinking Billions: Revolving Doors

In the second part of her coverage of the Australian Defence Department’s new Frigates project,  Michelle Fahy says it is a jobs merry-go-round for former military officers, bureaucrats and weapons makers.

The US’s Reckless Arming of Taiwan

As Washington follows the neocon Wolfowitz Doctrine in East Asia, John V. Walsh says U.S. provocation must stop. Biden should instead take up China’s offer of peaceful coexistence.    

A History of Ceasefires & Peace in Ukraine

Forty eight ceasefires between 1946 and 1997 — while often ignored — offer guidance on how to end the killing. Since history shows it takes a long time to end a war, Ann Wright says the process must start now.…