Category: Russia

Russian Imperialism?

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin points to the fundamental difference between imperialism and revanchism as Western critics purposely or ignorantly confuse the two to serve their interests, writes Joe Lauria.

What Has the Putin Interview Achieved?  

Vladimir Putin’s challenge was to tell Americans through Tucker Carlson a complicated and unfamiliar narrative of how dearly Ukrainians and Russians are paying for Putin’s initial naïve trust in the West, writes Tony Kevin.

25 Years of Venezuelan Defiance

Some of the nations that have banded together to defend the U.N. Charter — particularly Russia and China — have provided Venezuela with alternatives to the U.S.-dominated financial and trade system, writes Vijay Prashad.

The US Toppling of Imran Khan

The Pakistani leader probably sealed his fate when, at a rally, he berated the West for pressuring him to condemn Russia over Ukraine at a vote in the United Nations, writes Jeffrey Sachs.

Russiagate & Gaza

Instead of criticizing a government credibly accused of genocide, a leading Democrat applies a debunked partisan smear to pro-Palestine protesters and wants the F.B.I. to investigate them, writes Elizabeth Vos.