Category: Palestine

Craig Murray: Extreme Policing

People are getting arrested at a factory in the U.K. belonging to Israel’s largest weapons manufacturer for doing nothing but exercising the democratic right to protest.

A Year Since Shireen Abu Akleh’s Killing

Justice for the Al Jazeera journalist — so far delayed — would serve press freedom in the occupied territories, where at least 20 journalists have been killed by Israeli forces in the last two decades.

What Netanyahu Really Thinks

What the Israeli prime minister really thinks about Arabs and how he treated Barack Obama is revealed in his recent book, reviewed here by As’ad AbuKhalil.

Democracy or Apartheid

This is a fight to maintain and protect the status quo for Israelis, not Palestinians who have been denied all basic democratic rights under Israel since 1948, writes Nour. 

The ICC’s Selective Prosecution

The ICC’s double standard in the treatment of Ukraine and Palestine is largely due to political coercion by the U.S., which isn’t even a party to the court’s Rome Statute, writes Marjorie Cohn.

AS`AD AbuKHALIL: Netanyahu’s Chutzpah

In the second part of his review of Benjamin Netanyahu’s new book, Bibi: My Story, the author explores the Israeli prime ministers fraught relations with several world leaders, including U.S. presidents.