Category: Palestine

Vijay Prashad: Paying For War or Peace

The U.N. development forum ending on Thursday brings to mind the aspiration that Colombia’s President Petro expressed last year for humanity to “live far from the apocalypse and times of extinction.”


In 1979, Israeli settlers and soldiers were already terrorizing residents of the Palestinian village of Halhoul and committing violence elsewhere, writes Ellen Cantarow. 

Chris Hedges: The Old Evil

The dramatic escalation of violence in the West Bank is overshadowed by the genocide in Gaza. But it has become a second front. If Israel can empty Gaza, the West Bank will be next.

NATO SUMMIT: Collectively Losing Their Minds

Soon after Russia entered Ukraine, the Pentagon corrected Antony Blinken for saying Kiev would get NATO fighter jets. Blinken was applauded at the NATO summit yesterday for saying F-16s would soon arrive in Ukraine. What changed? asks Joe Lauria.

Biden: ‘I’m Running the World’

The comment by the sitting U.S. president in Friday’s interview has been ignored by the mainstream, but its megalomania is at the heart of why Joe Biden is defying his party and remaining in the race, writes Joe Lauria.