Category: International

World Needs New Way to Develop

No effective general theoretical orientation has been provided to guide realistic and holistic development agendas, writes Vijay Prashad. And no outlines seem readily available for an exit from the permanent debt-austerity cycle.

Inscrutable Sanctions

Britain and the U.S. impose economic sanctions on dozens of governments they don’t like, write Erik Mar and John Perry. Some people in Nicaragua are being targeted on the basis of little or no evidence.

Burning Qurans in a Time of Crisis

Notice how Islam’s Holy book gets desecrated whenever the West is undergoing a crisis and is desperate to either ignite an anti-Muslim public frenzy or distract from its own failures, writes Ramzy Baroud.

The Military Dangers of AI

Pentagon officials acknowledge that it will be some time before robot generals are commanding vast numbers of U.S. troops and autonomous weapons in battle, writes Michael T. Klare. But they have several projects to test and perfect it.

PATRICK LAWRENCE: A Yellen in the China Shop

Given where the Biden regime sets the bar for its trans–Pacific statecraft these days, you have to wonder whether they chant “Limbo lower now!” as they send off the next official on one of these pointless demarches.