Category: International

G20: Last Waltz in a World Torn Apart

Ahead of the G20 summit in New Delhi this weekend, M.K. Bhadrakumar says an event conceived in the world of yesterday, before the new cold war came roaring in, has lost significance.

‘Obama’s Man in Africa’

The ouster of the hopelessly corrupt Ali Bongo represents a particularly sharp rebuke of Obama, who groomed the Gabonese autocrat as one of his closest allies on the continent, writes Max Blumenthal.

Aussie MPs Headed to Washington to Lobby For Assange

The MPs will face obstinate views about Assange entrenched in the U.S. political establishment, with two days to educate Congressional, State and Justice officials about the threat to the Constitution and a free press, reports Joe Lauria. 

Digging Africa Deeper into Hunger

International donors are not heeding African farmers’ calls to change course, writes Timothy Wise ahead of the annual African Green Revolution Forum on Sept. 5-8 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.