Category: International

US Declares ‘War’

Michael Brenner subjects the audaciously aggressive U.S. strategic posture to the kind of examination that he finds remarkably absent, even at the highest levels of government.

Uprooting Death From Palestine

Palestinian People’s Party member Arwa Abu Hashhash gave an impassioned speech this week about the assault on her country, writes Vijay Prashad. Here it is, updated as of Oct. 18.

Support Our Gaza Coverage

Consortium News has emerged as a go-to source for a different angle on the Gaza conflict, providing historical context and the viewpoint of the biggest victims in this ongoing tragedy.

Backing the Slaughter & Silencing the Critics

Western countries crack down on public support for Palestinians as the atrocities mount in Gaza.  The mask is off on the underlying brutality of the West’s disregard for civilian life and civil liberties, writes Elizabeth Vos.