Category: International

JOHN KIRIAKOU: American Gulag

Western journalists are providing breathless depictions of the harsh conditions facing U.S. basketball star Brittney Griner in Russia. Have none of them been inside a U.S. prison? 

All at Once Mainstream Pundits Push for WW III

Caitlin Johnstone says it should disturb everyone in the nuclear age that writers at influential publications frame the rise of a multipolar world as something that must inevitably bring on unspeakable violence and human suffering. 

The Geopolitics of Inequality

The geopolitics of inequality persist, writes Vijay Prashad, even though industrial production has moved from the Global North to the Global South.

Biden’s Disastrous LNG Export Goal

An environmental watchdog group assesses the climate damage implied by the White House’s plan to send billions of cubic meters of fracked gas to Europe annually until 2030.