Category: International

Why the Media Fear Julian Assange

In threatening to bring democratic accountability to the press and the security services, WikiLeaks exposes their long-standing collusion, writes Jonathan Cook. 

WATCH: Twitter Files & the Death of Russiagate

Matt Taibbi joins CN Live! to discuss the implications of his Twitter Files revelations, including his latest on Hamilton 68 and its fatal blow to the Russiagate narrative. With Chris Hedges and John Kiriakou. Watch the replay.

France Erupts Against Macron’s Pension Plan

Despite widespread opposition to raising the retirement age, many French lawmakers remain determined to fulfill the president’s election pledge to overhaul the nation’s pension system, Kenny Stancil reports.

Workers and Democracy

Vijay Prashad highlights workers’ struggles in the second half of the 20th century against Third World dictatorial regimes put in place by anti-communist oligarchies and their allies in the West. 

Caitlin Johnstone: What MSM Can No Longer Say

Dissident commentary about Ukraine that was still published in major Western news media in 2014 is entirely gone now because these publications have transformed themselves into outlets for ironclad war propaganda.