A federal agent was waiting for the author soon after he got off an international flight. He was then treated to a brief but disturbing question-and-answer session.
Many countries with supposedly centre-left or left governments have joined the U.S. in proposals that seek to undermine Venezuelan democratic processes.
Ann Wright on the arms flowing between members of the military alliance and Israel, which despite its small size, ranks as the 15th top weapons importer in the world.
Unlike Washington, Berlin — Israel’s second-largest arms supplier — has consented to full jurisdiction of the ICJ so it is an easier target for Nicaragua’s lawsuit, writes Marjorie Cohn.
The Central American nation laid formal charges against the Federal Republic at the International Court of Justice in The Hague on Monday, demanding Berlin stop arming Israel.
Matthew Read says that instead of confronting the economic roots of fascism and sections of the ruling class who abetted Hitler, Germany, since 1949, has fostered a narrative of collective guilt.
To gauge how South Africa’s genocide case against Israel might play out, Nat Parry looks back 40 years to a case that Nicaragua brought against Washington in the U.N. court.