Category: NATO

Burning Qurans in a Time of Crisis

Notice how Islam’s Holy book gets desecrated whenever the West is undergoing a crisis and is desperate to either ignite an anti-Muslim public frenzy or distract from its own failures, writes Ramzy Baroud.

SCOTT RITTER: NATO Summit, a Theater of the Absurd

The unfulfilled goals and objectives from last year’s meeting in Madrid loom over the Atlantic military alliance. When the membership meets in Vilnius this week, normalizing failure might best describe the most that can be accomplished. 

The Failed Ukrainian Peace Deal

Vladimir Putin displayed copies of the collapsed draft treaty from last year at a recent meeting with a peace delegation of leaders of several African nations led by South African President Ramaposha.

Emergence of a New Non-Alignment

From Bolivia to Sri Lanka, countries fed up with the IMF-driven debt-austerity cycle and bullying by the U.S.-led bloc are beginning to assert their own agendas, writes Vijay Prashad.