Category: Mali

Niger Coup Takes Bonapartist Turn

Niger faces a “messy” situation rather than a revolutionary situation. Perhaps, certain Bonapartist elements are discernible — for which, of course, there is plenty of blame to go around, writes M.K. Bhadrakumar. 

Every Empire Falls

Every empire falls and the fantasy of American exceptionalism doesn’t exempt the U.S., writes Wilmer J. Leon, III. Yet the failing hegemon behaves as though it still controls events, but instead creates worldwide danger.

Patrick Lawrence: Africa for Africans

The animosities toward the French abroad among Nigeriens have been widely reported. But history is only part of the story, and not the largest part. Those who led the coup in Niger are facing forward, not backwards.

Niger is Far from a Typical Coup

Rather than send troops in response to the coup, France and the U.S. seem to favor a “Rwanda” type solution applied in Mozambique, writes Vijay Prashad. Only this time ECOWAS would apply force.    

Niger Rejects Rules-Based Order

France and the U.S. have been blindsided by popular support for Niger’s coup, as the trend towards multipolarity emboldens Africans to confront neo-colonial exploitation, writes M.K. Bhadrakumar.

World Needs New Way to Develop

No effective general theoretical orientation has been provided to guide realistic and holistic development agendas, writes Vijay Prashad. And no outlines seem readily available for an exit from the permanent debt-austerity cycle.