The disclosure by the foreign secretary’s staff — in response to Declassified UK’s freedom of information request — suggests Parliament was misled, Phil Miller reports.
In a leaked recording, the Tory chair of a foreign affairs committee says government lawyers advised Britain to stop arming Israel because it is committing war crimes, reports Joe Lauria.
Thousands of Palestinians — and other Arabs — will be planning violent acts of revenge over Gaza. How far will Arab governments go in shielding U.S. and Israeli interests from their angry populations?
Matthew Read says that instead of confronting the economic roots of fascism and sections of the ruling class who abetted Hitler, Germany, since 1949, has fostered a narrative of collective guilt.
Jared Kushner joins the chorus calling for Israel to expand its occupation to Gaza’s waterfront, writes Vijay Prashad on Land Day. If history is any judge, it won’t happen.
The World Court cited “exceptionally grave” developments, especially the “spread of famine and starvation,” in once again ordering Israel to prevent genocidal acts in Gaza.