Category: Iraq

PATRICK LAWRENCE: The Dialectic of the Draft

Americans will understand themselves less fantastically if they consider the extent to which the end of the Selective Service System a half century ago gave them permission to put their public selves to sleep.

78 Years From Hiroshima

Atomic cloud over Hiroshima, Aug. 6, 1945; taken from "Enola Gay" flying over Matsuyama, Shikoku. (Wikimedia)

The film Oppenheimer has reignited discussion of the political and moral circumstances surrounding the U.S. atomic attack 78 years ago today on Hiroshima. Here are 10 articles CN ran on the 75th anniversary exploring the debate over the bomb. 


The communique from the summit in Vilnius earlier this month underlined Ukraine’s path into the Western military alliance and sharpened NATO’s self-defined universalism, writes Vijay Prashad.

BP’s Wars, Coups & Dictators

From Iran to Azerbaijan, Iraq to Nigeria, Russia to Venezuela, British foreign policy is largely captured by the global climate polluter, writes Mark Curtis.