Category: Iraq

Seismic Iran-Saudi Rapprochement Isolates US

The Chinese-brokered diplomatic deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran not only opens the way for resolution of region-wide conflicts, but potentially foils U.S. Mideast designs based on Saudi-Iranian enmity, writes Joe Lauria.

The World Cup Reignites Pan-Arabism

The first World Cup to be held in an Arab land has sparked a resurgence of Arab nationalism, support for Palestine and rejection of the Abraham Accords, writes As’ad AbuKhalil. 

Trump Sued in Iraqi Court for Assassinations

Plaintiffs are demanding legal action against the former U.S. president and others, including Mike Pompeo, for the 2020 killing of Qassem Soleimani, a top Iranian military officer, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the commander of an Iraqi militia. 

Caitlin Johnstone: The Zelensky-Bush War Rally

The way the U.S. provoked and now sustains its Ukraine proxy war is no more ethical than its invasion of Iraq. If people can’t see this, it’s because the propaganda around the latest war hasn’t cleared from the air yet.  

Chris Hedges: Destroyers of US Democracy

With the U.S. midterm elections on Tuesday, Biden and other establishment politicians hope to paper over the rot and pain of the system they created with the same decorum they used to sell the country the con of neoliberalism.