Category: Iran

Trump Sued in Iraqi Court for Assassinations

Plaintiffs are demanding legal action against the former U.S. president and others, including Mike Pompeo, for the 2020 killing of Qassem Soleimani, a top Iranian military officer, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the commander of an Iraqi militia. 

Exposed: Covert Pro-Western Info Op

Declassified Australia’s Peter Cronau flags and analyzes a report by researchers at Stanford University and Graphika about a massive secret propaganda operation being run out of the U.S.  The report, from late August, has been buried by the Western media.

Ukraine Is the New Israel

As`ad AbuKhalil says current U.S.-NATO strategic calculations are demoting Israel from its once central position and will leave the apartheid state increasingly reliant on new alliances with the U.A.E. and Saudi Arabia.