Category: Gulf States

Blinken’s Failed Saudi Visit

Developments during Secretary of State Blinken’s visit to Saudi Arabia fit with growing speculations about the Gulf Cooperation Council becoming more autonomous of the U.S., writes Abdul Rahman.

What Netanyahu Really Thinks

What the Israeli prime minister really thinks about Arabs and how he treated Barack Obama is revealed in his recent book, reviewed here by As’ad AbuKhalil.

Saudis Aren’t Afraid of US Anymore

Now that the main Arab producers have supported Russia’s decision to reduce oil production, M.K. Bhadrakumar says the Biden administration is left with limited options in responding to the surprise move. 

Seismic Iran-Saudi Rapprochement Isolates US

The Chinese-brokered diplomatic deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran not only opens the way for resolution of region-wide conflicts, but potentially foils U.S. Mideast designs based on Saudi-Iranian enmity, writes Joe Lauria.

The World Cup Reignites Pan-Arabism

The first World Cup to be held in an Arab land has sparked a resurgence of Arab nationalism, support for Palestine and rejection of the Abraham Accords, writes As’ad AbuKhalil.