Category: Germany

78 Years From Hiroshima

Atomic cloud over Hiroshima, Aug. 6, 1945; taken from "Enola Gay" flying over Matsuyama, Shikoku. (Wikimedia)

The film Oppenheimer has reignited discussion of the political and moral circumstances surrounding the U.S. atomic attack 78 years ago today on Hiroshima. Here are 10 articles CN ran on the 75th anniversary exploring the debate over the bomb. 

Reviving the 1970s Hope of Youth

A global “disengagement” rate of over 70 percent among young people will not be fixed by “skills training” or “social entrepreneurship,” writes Vijay Prashad. 

The Vassalage at Heart of the G7

Following the end of the Second World War, the United States built an international system that was premised on the subordination and integration of Japan and Europe, writes Vijay Prashad.