A series of serious misunderstandings has led to an uninformed outcry in the Christian West over a short scene in the Opening Ceremony at the Paris Olympics, writes Cathy Vogan.
A powerful struggle in New Caledonia between the indigenous people and French colonial authorities is taking place against the backdrop of intensifying U.S.-led militarisation of the Pacific.
A hostile military alliance, now including even Sweden and Finland, is at the very borders of Russia. Chris Wright asks how Russian leaders are supposed to react to this as the NATO summit kicked off in Washington.
The Anglo-Saxonization of American foreign and military policy has become a distinctive — and provocative — feature of the Biden presidency, writes Michael Klare.
Voters in last week’s European Parliament elections delivered a severe blow to mainstream parties and the Brussels technocrats from whom they are virtually inseparable.
While Western Allies invaded Normandy on June 6, 1944, John Wight recalls the coordinated operation by the Red Army to break German resistance in Europe.
Macron’s decision to send more troops to New Caledonia is a reflection of a serious breakdown of order in the island nation not seen since the 1980s, Mick Hall reports.