Robert Kagan’s monumental error is his failure to acknowledge that Americans, like the rest of mankind, are made of crooked timber craving power for its own sake, writes Bruce Fein.
“It is easier to imagine the end of the earth than to imagine the end of capitalism.” Vijay Prashad reflects on the work of the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research in developing a necessary worldview.
In the face of climate catastrophe and a rising risk of nuclear war, Greece’s former finance minister says the global ruling class are “doing their best to push humanity over both cliffs at once.”
Waves of invasions have prevented the country from securing its sovereignty and have prevented its people from building dignified lives, writes Vijay Prashad.
The Biden administration is not offering meaningful assistance to contain a potential ecological disaster 90 miles from the U.S. coastline, write Natasha Lycia Ora Bannan and Medea Benjamin.