Watch the show on the High Court’s ruling this week on WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange. Guests: Chris Hedges, Craig Murray, Marjorie Cohn and Bruce Afran. (With timeline.)
The U.S. empire hunts not like a tiger, killing its prey with a fatal bite to the jugular; but more like a python: slowly suffocating the life out of it until it perishes, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
The High Court on Tuesday rejected six Assange grounds for a new appeal, agreeing he had only three legitimate arguments but that the U.S. could nullify them with new “assurances,” reports Joe Lauria.
UPDATED: The report in The Wall Street Journal makes public what Consortium News had learned off the record, namely that the U.S. is engaging Julian Assange’s lawyers about a deal that could set the imprisoned publisher free.
Australian Sen. David Shoebridge spoke of the danger of the death penalty for Julian Assange in this discussion after a Sydney screening of the new film, The Trust Fall. (w/transcript)
Forty years after their powerful union was crushed in an early battle of neoliberalism, still defiant ex-miners marched last weekend to their closed Yorkshire pit to hear their 86-year old former leader reflect on their struggle, reports Joe Lauria.
Miners in a once bustling South Yorkshire coal region marched with their champion, Arthur Scargill, at the weekend to mark 40 years since their war with Margaret Thatcher.
After his election last week, George Galloway returned to Parliament Monday. On Tuesday he backed a local candidate from his Workers’ Party, a movement that is spooking the British establishment. Two videos.