Category: Britain

WATCH: CN Live! — Saving Assange, Saving US Face

Will Julian Assange be released in two months, as an Australian Broadcasting Corporation senior correspondent has predicted? CN Live! asks Greg Barns SC, an Assange campaign counsel for 11 years, and former Australian Senator Christine Milne at noon EST Monday.

The Establishment Rather Hates Us

Actions in 2022 by NewsGuard and PayPal and inquiries by a British official proved that powerful establishment actors oppose Consortium News. Help us show them they are wrong.

The Unreluctant Vassal

Unlike Germany and France, for instance, which at times reluctantly follow Washington’s orders, Britain is an eager co-participant in U.S. adventurism, says Joe Lauria.

US Intel Lays Out Assange Attack

Misperception and disinformation overrode the facts of the Assange case at an event organized by the Hayden Center on Monday night in Washington, reports Joe Lauria.

Daniel Ellsberg: Indict Me Too

Daniel Ellsberg has called on the U.S. to indict him for having the same unauthorized possession of classified material as Julian Assange. Ellsberg follows the founder who has also invited prosecution, reports Joe Lauria.