Category: Australia

The Queen’s Coup

Queen Elizabeth II of England advised the governor-general he could overthrow the elected government of Australia – and he did, Jenny Hocking and Peter Cronau report. 

US Warns Australia Against Anti-Nuclear Treaty

Disarmament activists condemned Washington’s effort to intimidate the Albanese government from shifting its position on a treaty that the vast majority of Australians, according to a poll in March, support signing and ratifying. 

Secret Power: The War on WikiLeaks

Owen Bowcott on Italian investigative journalist Stefania Maurizi’s  new book documenting attempts to demonise and destroy Julian Assange and WikiLeaks and her seven-year battle to access government information.

Secrecy & Empire

Under the guise of protecting the national interest, Australia’s security establishment acts in secret to uphold the global U.S.-led imperial order, writes Clinton Fernandes.