Category: Australia

WATCH: Assange Belmarsh Tribunal in Sydney

UPDATE: Consortium News’ CN Live! broadcasted the Belmarsh Tribunal live from Sydney, Australia on Saturday. Among the speakers were Stella Assange, Yanis Varoufakis, Jennifer Robinson, John Kiriakou and David McBride. Watch the replay.

Caitlin Johnstone: US Constantly Provoking China

The way the U.S. has been positioning its war machinery around China would have sparked a third world war had the roles been reversed. Nonetheless,   talk inside the U.S. empire is all about Chinese “aggression.” 

WATCH: CN Live! — Saving Assange, Saving US Face

Will Julian Assange be released in two months, as an Australian Broadcasting Corporation senior correspondent has predicted? CN Live! asks Greg Barns SC, an Assange campaign counsel for 11 years, and former Australian Senator Christine Milne at noon EST Monday.